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Official Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Baseball and Love Yankees Shirt

Rob Newman Thanks BBC. I can rest easy now. Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Baseball and Love Yankees Shirt. Any info on why there were so many motorcycles in London on Saturday. You seem to have forgotten to cover that homegrown piece of news. Ricky Gee, I totally agree with you, Rob. Rolling Thunder and the disgraceful treatment of Soldier F has received zero coverage yet a few hundred angry Dutch farmers make the news. Ricky Gee Stephen Donnison it’s not a defaced flag, it’s a variant with a thin blue line through it to represent the police. There are also variants in both red and green. The chances are you will be grateful for the help from one of these “flag defacers” one day. Stephen Donnison Rob Newman the BBC should investigate why you have defaced your nation’s flag.


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