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Hufflepug pug dog shirt

Patrick Firpo Steve Dougherty I guess Amerika is now a follower the Hufflepug pug dog shirt. no longer a leader. Assholeism has infected Amerika! No longer the greatest country in the world! Led by “The great betrayer …” no Amerika is one of the only ones not on it… just to be different and stupid… trump is a “contrarian”. … and Its death would make America great again! Here in Australia, we have sunshine galore but our best solar researchers left for Germany where Governments pay for researchers and technical improvements. Henri Ahopelto I am from Finland and during my visit to the USA I was shocked by how little an average American guy knows about anything outside of the USA. Poor education maybe? Kevin Michael The United States stayed out of world war 1 and 2 until “unprovoked attacks on the United States


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