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Erick Villarreal, Usually it’s because it is considered to a lot of people as middle age and Disney Jabba’s Palace Tatooine shirt your life to see what you’ve accomplished with potentially half your life but you’re doing just fine all! Jeff Hislop Does the children’s Mormon religion have anything to do with the story whatsoever? This was a tragedy where religion played no role. BBC just can’t help injecting Identity into everything. Cora Passanisi Jeff Hislop I appreciate your question. IMO the sad truth is that many here in the US will feel differently about the story based on a perception of the degree of whiteness. That’s my theory about why it’s in the title. Ivan Meraz This is going to continue until the Mexican Government and President Lopez Obrador decide to fight the war against the cartel, instead of catching their leaders and letting them walk away freely.



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